Sustainable and High-quality Java Solutions
Powerful Java applications built with the latest and most trusted technologies and architecture patterns

Web Technologies
Java, J2EE, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, React JS, Node JS, Angular, Hibernate, Deltaspike, JPA, Struts, JSF, GWT, EJB, JPA, Liquibase, Ant, Maven, POM, Apache Tomcat, Apache Tomee, JBoss, XML, XSL,XSD, Ajax, JavaScript, JQuery, Type Script, Log4j, Quartz, EHCache, POI, iText, HTML5, CSS, WSO2, REST, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, Swagger, SQL, Elastic Query
Scalable and Cloudbased Software
Micro services, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, REST, Hadoop, Cassandra, Elassandra, Elastic search, Lucene, SOLR, Zookeeper

Frameworks and Tools
Dbeaver, EMMA, JProfiler, FindBugs, Poster, SOAPUI, TOAD, ERD, Continuum, Jenkins, Your kit, WinSCP, FileZilla, Pentaho ETL Tool, Microsoft Office, TogetherJ, OLAP tools, Photoshop, Bugzilla, JIRA, Putty, Absolute Telnet, Secured CRT, Firebug, Tortoise CVS, Tortoise SVN, MSSQL server AS and IS, Google Docs, XML Studio, Soap UI, Camunda, KIBANA, GRAFANA, Gluu, Apache Shiro, Quartz, Caster, BIRT, Pentaho Mondrain, WSO2, Liferay
Build, Deployment and Testing
Maven, Jenkins, Junit, REST assured, Selenium, Zelenium, J-Meter, SonarQube, EMMA

MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Mongo DB, Microsoft Access, Cassandra
Version Control Systems

Messaging Systems
Active MQ Kafka Enterprise Message Bus
Big Data
Cassandra, Elassandra, Kafka, Elastic Search, Lucene, SOLR, Hadoop, HDFS, Sqoop, Hbase, PIG, Hive

Operating Systems
Windows LINUX UNIX Ubuntu
Design Tools
StarUML, TogetherJ, Microsoft Visio, Lucid Charts, Balsamiq, DBViewer

FAT Clients
AWT Swing Flex GWT GXT
Requirement and Project Management
JIRA Microsoft Project Plan Scrumworks XWIKI Celoxis

Centreon App Dynamics Prometheus Kibana Grafana
Custom Enterprise Java Frameworks
CJF (CEVA Java Framework), KN Webstd (Kuehne-Nagel Web Standard Framework)

Development Methodologies
Agile Waterfall TDD (Test Driven Development) FDD ( Feature Driven Development)
Certifications & Recognition